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Amiga Motor State Stream Example

Basic Knowledge Requirements

Before diving into this code, here's a quick heads-up on what you'll need to be familiar with:

  1. Python Programming: It's important to have a good grasp of Python, especially with concepts like functions, and loops, since the example utilizes these fundamentals.
  2. Asynchronous Programming with asyncio: Familiarity with Python's asyncio for writing concurrent code using the async/await syntax.
  3. farm-ng Canbus Service Overview: This overview provides a base understanding of the gRPC service the client you create will connect to.

The Amiga Motor State Stream example is a basic way of showing how to access and decode the MotorState values streamed by the canbus service.

You can either run this example directly on a brain by ssh'ing in, or use your local PC. If using your local PC, it should be either connected to the same local network as the brain or linked to it through tailscale.

The requirements to run this example are to have a farm-ng brain running the canbus service, without the physical E-STOP pressed.


There will be no /motor_states stream if your amiga is e-stopped by a physical e-stop press. The e-stop cuts the power to the motors, so they do not send their state on the CAN bus.

1. Install the farm-ng Brain ADK package​

2. Install the example's dependencies​


cd farm-ng-amiga/

Create a virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate


cd py/examples/motor_states_stream
pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Execute the Python script​


To run this script from your PC, you need to update the service_config.json by modifying the host field with your Amiga brain name.

Please check out Amiga Development 101 for more details.

python --service-config service_config.json

Expected output​

You should see a printed stream of the current MotorState for all detected motors in your terminal.