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Service Client

Basic Knowledge Requirements

Before diving into this code, here's a quick heads-up on what you'll need to be familiar with:

  1. Python Programming: It's important to have a good grasp of Python, especially with concepts like functions, loops, and classes, since the example utilizes these fundamentals.
  2. Asynchronous Programming with asyncio: Familiarity with Python's asyncio for writing concurrent code using the async/await syntax.

The Service Client example is the hello world of the farm-ng-core Event Service framework.

The Event Service is a publish-subscribe service that allows to stream data from the farm-ng-core services to its respective clients. The central piece of the Event Service is the EventServiceGrpc service that is the main class encapsulating the gRPC server.

In the following example, we will explain how to define your own service and how to use the EventClient to subscribe to the service. You will need a file to create the service and another one to create the client


This example only requires the farm-ng-core package.

pip3 install farm-ng-core


We highly recommend to have some basic knowledge about asyncio, gRPC, and protobuf.

Define your protobuf messages​

The farm-ng-core Event Service uses protobuf messages and leverages gRPC to communicate between client and server. The first step is to define your own protobuf messages.

For this example, we provide the two_ints.proto:

syntax = "proto3";

// The request message containing the two integers.
message AddTwoIntsRequest {
int32 a = 1;
int32 b = 2;

// The response message containing the sum.
message AddTwoIntsResponse {
int32 sum = 1;

We provide the generated Python code in the file and its corresponding two_ints_pb2.pyi file for type hinting. Optionally, you can regenerate the Python code yourself using the

Create your own service​

In order to create your own service, we will create an auxiliary class to encapsulate the EventServiceGrpc class. This auxiliary class will be called AddTwoIntsServer and will easily allow us to define the service.

The class AddTwoIntsServer will have a method called request_reply_handler that will be called every time a request is received. The method request_reply_handler will receive two arguments: the Event and the request message. The Event contains the metadata of the request and the request message contains the actual request message.

class AddTwoIntServer:
"""A simple service that implements the AddTwoInts service."""

def __init__(self, event_service: EventServiceGrpc) -> None:
"""Initialize the service.

event_service: The event service to use for communication.
self._event_service = event_service

def logger(self) -> logging.Logger:
"""Return the logger for this service."""
return self._event_service.logger

async def request_reply_handler(self, event: Event, message: two_ints_pb2.AddTwoIntsRequest) -> Message:
"""The callback for handling request/reply messages."""
if event.uri.path == "/sum":"Requested to sum {message.a} + {message.b}")

return two_ints_pb2.AddTwoIntsResponse(sum=message.a + message.b)

return Empty()

To wrap up, we need to create a program that will instantiate the EventServiceGrpc and the AddTwoIntServer and run the service leveraging the serve method with the asyncio event loop.

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="farm-ng-service")
parser.add_argument("--service-config", type=Path, required=True, help="The service config.")
args = parser.parse_args()

# load the service config
service_config: EventServiceConfig = proto_from_json_file(args.service_config, EventServiceConfig())

# create the grpc server
event_service: EventServiceGrpc = EventServiceGrpc(grpc.aio.server(), service_config)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

# wrap and run the service
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Additionally, we provide a service_config.json file that contains the configuration of the service. The service_config.json file contains the following fields:

"name": "two_int",
"port": 5001,
"host": "localhost",
"log_level": "DEBUG"

Create the client​

The client is a simple Python script that will connect to the service and subscribe to the service. For the client, we will leverage the EventClient class that will allow us to interact with the service.

In this example, we will create a program that will instantiate the EventServiceConfig and the EventClient. The EventClient will request the service to sum two integers implementing the request_reply method. The request_reply method is a coroutine that triggers a the request_reply_handler method in the service and returns a Future object. The Future object is used to retrieve the result of the request.

async def main() -> None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="farm-ng-client")
parser.add_argument("--service-config", type=Path, required=True, help="The service config.")
parser.add_argument("--a", type=int, required=True, help="The first integer.")
parser.add_argument("--b", type=int, required=True, help="The second integer.")
args = parser.parse_args()

# create a client to the camera service
config: EventServiceConfig = proto_from_json_file(args.service_config, EventServiceConfig())

# request the sum of two integers
result = await EventClient(config).request_reply("/sum", AddTwoIntsRequest(a=args.a, b=args.b), decode=True)

print(f"Result of {args.a} + {args.b} = {result.sum}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Run the example​

1. Run the service​

In a first terminal, run the service:

python --service-config config.json

you should see the following output:

Starting server on port 5001
Server started
Sending /health: 0 to 0 clients
Sending /health: 1 to 0 clients
Sending /health: 2 to 0 clients
Sending /health: 3 to 0 clients

2. Run the client​

In a second terminal, run the client:

python --service-config config.json --a 1 --b 2

you should see the following output:

Result of 1 + 2 = 3