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File Reader Example

Basic Knowledge Requirements

Before diving into this example, here's a quick overview of what you'll need to be familiar with:

  1. Python Programming: Mastery of Python is essential, as the example employs foundational concepts such as functions, conditional statements, and working with third-party libraries.
  2. OpenCV: A foundational understanding of the OpenCV library, particularly functions related to image decoding and display, as the example showcases how to visualize camera images from the log file.

In this example you will learn how to upload a given log file and use it to run the File Reader Example.

To successfully run this example, you must use your local PC, as the example won't work if executed directly from a brain (because of the popup window).

1. Obtain a log file​

Record your own​

See the Recorder App Guide for instructions.

Download the log file​

You can also download a pre-recorded log file to run this example with.

Click here to download

[Optional] Make a Data folder​

We are going to make a folder that will store all of our log files, including the one you just downloaded.

cd <to-your-base-directory>
mkdir <data-dir>
cd <data-dir>
mv ~/Download/2023_09_29_17_52_35_070804_dubnium-durian.0000.bin

Now you should navigate (in your terminal) to the farm-ng-amiga repository.

2. Install the farm-ng Brain ADK package​

3. Install the example's dependencies​


cd farm-ng-amiga/

Create a virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate


cd py/examples/file_reader
pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Execute the Python script​

Specify the log file, e.g.:

python --file-name <path-from-above>/2023_09_29_17_52_35_070804_dubnium-durian.0000.bin

Optionally, you can change the camera that is played back from the default of oak0. E.g., and the view rgb. E.g.

python --file-name <path-from-above>/2023_09_29_17_52_35_070804_dubnium-durian.0000.bin \
--camera-name oak1 --view-name rgb

Congratulations two videos should now pop up and play! One should be RGB and one should be disparity (it might be hidden behind the RGB window so try moving the RGB window). You have now finished running this example!