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File Reader CAN Example

Basic Knowledge Requirements

Before diving into this example, here's a quick overview of what you'll need to be familiar with:

  1. Python Programming: This code is written in Python. Basic constructs such as functions, conditional statements, loops, and more are utilized.
  2. farm-ng Canbus Service Overview: This overview provides a base understanding of the gRPC service the client you create will connect to.

This File Reader Can example parses the CAN data from a recorded log and prints the AmigaTpdo1 parsed values. The AmigaTpdo1 can packet contains the state, speed, and angular rate of the Amiga, as reported by the vehicle control unit (VCU).

You can either run this example directly on a brain by ssh'ing in, or use your local PC.

1. Obtain a log file​

Record your own​

See the Recorder App Guide for instructions.

Download the log file​

You can also download a pre-recorded log file to run this example with.

Click here to download

[Optional] Make a Data folder​

We are going to make a folder that will store all of our log files, including the one you just downloaded.

cd <to-your-base-directory>
mkdir <data-dir>
cd <data-dir>
mv ~/Download/2023_09_29_17_52_35_070804_dubnium-durian.0000.bin

Now you should navigate (in your terminal) to the farm-ng-amiga repository.

2. Install the farm-ng Brain ADK package​

3. Install the example's dependencies​


cd farm-ng-amiga/

Create a virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate


cd py/examples/file_reader_can
pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Execute the Python script​

Specify the log file, e.g.:

python --file-name <path-to-file>/2023_09_29_17_52_35_070804_dubnium-durian.0000.bin

If everything worked correctly you should now see a large stream of text come up in your terminal!

The output should look something like this:

AMIGA TPDO1 Amiga state 2 Measured speed 0.000 Measured angular
rate 0.000 @ time 1512.775886915
AMIGA TPDO1 Amiga state 2 Measured speed 0.000 Measured angular
rate 0.000 @ time 1512.843416858
AMIGA TPDO1 Amiga state 2 Measured speed 0.000 Measured angular
rate 0.000 @ time 1512.866171608
AMIGA TPDO1 Amiga state 2 Measured speed 0.000 Measured angular
rate 0.000 @ time 1512.928378193
AMIGA TPDO1 Amiga state 2 Measured speed 0.000 Measured angular
rate 0.000 @ time 1512.985744047
AMIGA TPDO1 Amiga state 2 Measured speed 0.000 Measured angular
rate 0.000 @ time 1513.019865388
AMIGA TPDO1 Amiga state 2 Measured speed 0.000 Measured angular
rate 0.000 @ time 1513.076998664

Congrats you are done!