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Virtual Joystick Overview


This tutorial builds off of the Tutorial Introduction and the Camera Streamer Tutorial, so please check those out if you have not already.

This tutorial is intended to introduce you to the canbus API. The previous tutorial demonstrated accessing the camera streams, and this one is intended to teach you to make the Amiga move! This tutorial builds off and adjusts the camera-streamer to develop the virtual-joystick example. Then you can mirror what you've done here in your own custom app development!

From the previous tutorials the following should feel familiear:

  1. Clone and name your custom app repository
  2. Build the kivy image widgets
  3. Subsrcibe to the oak (camera) service
  4. Connect front-end image viewer (kivy) to backend image stream (oak service)
  5. Configuring the setup.cfg and service_config.json file for your own custom apps

This tutorial will build on the previous and introduce:

  1. Importing custom kivy widgets
  2. Subscribing to the canbus service
  3. Introduce requestReply for sending canbus messages


This tutorial will walk you through going from the camera-streamer (above) to the virtual joystick (below)



We hope that after completing this tutorial, and the predecessors, you are prepared to develop your own custom Amiga brain applications on the Amiga brain. If you feel we missed any key details, please let us know at so we can help you through it and add it to the tutorial for everyone else to benefit from!