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Python Implementation

Similar to the last tutorial, this will give a break down of the most important features of the camera-streamer repository


The Python implementation of the camera-streamer app can be found at src/ You should open that file for reference as you follow along.

Rename Classes​

In the camera-streamer repository, we have renamed some keywords. Begin by navigating to src/ in your app and open it. There are 2 places to change the templated name:

# 1. Rename the class
class CameraApp(App):
def __init__(self) -> None:


# 2. Run with the new class name
except asyncio.CancelledError:

Update Imports​

This app is app will be the first real taste of the Amiga SDK. We will now need to import farm-ng libraries to access the oak camera streams.

from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
import asyncio
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal

from farm_ng.core.event_client import EventClient
from farm_ng.core.event_service_pb2 import EventServiceConfig
from farm_ng.core.event_service_pb2 import EventServiceConfigList
from farm_ng.core.event_service_pb2 import SubscribeRequest
from farm_ng.core.events_file_reader import payload_to_protobuf
from farm_ng.core.events_file_reader import proto_from_json_file
from farm_ng.core.uri_pb2 import Uri
from turbojpeg import TurboJPEG

os.environ["KIVY_NO_ARGS"] = "1"

from kivy.config import Config # noreorder # noqa: E402

Config.set("graphics", "resizable", False)
Config.set("graphics", "width", "1280")
Config.set("graphics", "height", "800")
Config.set("graphics", "fullscreen", "false")
Config.set("input", "mouse", "mouse,disable_on_activity")
Config.set("kivy", "keyboard_mode", "systemanddock")

from import App # noqa: E402
from kivy.lang.builder import Builder # noqa: E402
from import Texture # noqa: E402

logger = logging.getLogger("")

You can go line-by-line, however, we recommend that imports above class CameraApp(App) looks like the list above.

Update: CameraApp()​

The camera app will generally follow the same format as the template tic-toc app. However, will also subscribe to a farm-ng service, in the case of this application, it will be the oak camera service.

class CameraApp(App):
"""Base class for the main Kivy app."""

STREAM_NAMES = ["rgb", "disparity", "left", "right"]
def __init__(self, service_config: EventServiceConfig) -> None:

self.service_config = service_config
self.image_decoder = TurboJPEG()

self.async_tasks: list[asyncio.Task] = []

The EventServiceConfig contains the custom configuration used to specify which specific services your custom application will need to access. It will be stored in the variable self.service_config

image_decoder is responsible for taking the raw bit stream from the oak service and packing them to make python interpretable image frames. We will use TurboJPEG as the image decoder (it is much faster than kivy's default image decoder).

Update: on_exit_btn(self)​

    def on_exit_btn(self) -> None:
"""Kills the running kivy application."""
for task in self.tasks:

This method is similar to the amiga-app-template-kivy however, this time we also need to cancel the async tasks that are running.

Update: app_func(self)​

    async def app_func(self):

config_list = proto_from_json_file(
self.service_config, EventServiceConfigList()

oak0_client: EventClient | None = None

for config in config_list.configs:
if == "oak0":
oak0_client = EventClient(config)

if None in [oak0_client]:
raise RuntimeError(f"No {config} service config in {self.service_config}")

# stream camera frames
self.tasks: list[asyncio.Task] = [
asyncio.create_task(self.stream_camera(oak0_client, view_name))
for view_name in self.STREAM_NAMES

return await asyncio.gather(run_wrapper(), *self.tasks)

More information can be found here: farm-ng-core and the Oak Camera Client example.

Within this repository and example, you can see how config_list and oak0_client are made.

Finally, once the oak0_client is made, it can be used to subscribe to the camera streams.

New Method: stream_camera()​

Now, add the function stream_camera. The loop for view_name in STREAM_NAMES makes four instances of the stream_camera method. We make all four instances as opposed to only one because rather than changing the async tasks, we can conditionally display the image streams.

async def stream_camera(
oak_client: EventClient,
view_name: Literal["rgb", "disparity", "left", "right"] = "rgb",
) -> None:
"""Subscribes to the camera service and populates the tabbed panel with all 4 image streams."""
while self.root is None:
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)

rate = oak_client.config.subscriptions[0].every_n

async for event, payload in oak_client.subscribe(
SubscribeRequest(uri=Uri(path=f"/{view_name}"), every_n=rate),
self.view_name = self.root.ids["tab_root"].current_tab.text

if view_name == self.view_name:
message = payload_to_protobuf(event, payload)
img = self.image_decoder.decode(message.image_data)
except Exception as e:
logger.exception(f"Error decoding image: {e}")

# create the opengl texture and set it to the image
texture = Texture.create(
size=(img.shape[1], img.shape[0]), icolorfmt="bgr"
self.root.ids[view_name].texture = texture

Event Client​

The client-service framework used here is vital to communicate with the Amiga.

async for _, message in EventClient(self.service_config).subscribe(
uri=Uri(path=f"/{[view_name]}"), every_n=self.stream_every_n

The EventClient is listening to all of the messages being sent by each of the services on the Amiga.

This class is the "on-ramp" used to access the Amigas communication highway. All the other vehicles on the highway are messages from the other services. The, oaks, canbus, trackfollower, etc... can all be accessed from this EventClient.

It can also be used for subsrbibing to all other services that might be used by your custom application.

More details on the .subscribe() method can be found here:

SubscribeRequest accepts an uri (message name) and a relative frequency (every_n). This is considered a relative frequency because the oak service operates at 10hz while the canbus operates at 50hz.

Decode and display​

Finally, we can decode and display the images received from the stream.

  # create the opengl texture and set it to the image
texture = Texture.create(size=(img.shape[1], img.shape[0]), icolorfmt="bgr")
self.root.ids[view_name].texture = texture

For each of the image streams, we update the Image widget Texture in the TabbedPanel with the corresponding decoded image. The Image widgets in the TabbedPanel accessed by their kivy id.

New Method: find_config_by_name()​

We've made stock configurations for each of the services.

def find_config_by_name(
service_configs: EventServiceConfigList, name: str
) -> EventServiceConfig | None:
"""Utility function to find a service config by name.

service_configs: List of service configs
name: Name of the service to find
for config in service_configs.configs:
if == name:
return config
return None

Should you only provide the name of the service in the configuration file, this will return a complete configuration for your custom application.

Update: main()​

This example is used to demonstrate how you could specify specific services to subscribe to from the command line.

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="template-app")

# Add additional command line arguments here
parser.add_argument("--service-config", type=Path, default="service_config.json")
args = parser.parse_args()
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
except asyncio.CancelledError:

service_config.json is a list of each of the services you've requested for your application. For this example, its only a single oak service but it could modified to add more cameras or canbus for example.

Add File: service_config.json​

"configs": [
"name": "oak0",
"port": 50010,
"host": "localhost",
"log_level": "INFO",
"subscriptions": [
"uri": {
"path": "*",
"query": "service_name=oak0"
"every_n": 1

Update setup.cfg​

In order to import everything we need, we must add the library PyTurboJPEG to the setup.cfg file so the dependency installs.

install_requires =

Running the app​

To run the app:

  1. run the command ./ and click the icon on the brain screen
  2. run the command ./
