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Check our FAQ's

The first place to check for support is our Frequently Asked Questions page.

If the answer you are looking for is not there, reach out to us in one of the following ways.

Connect on Discourse

We have a space for users to start conversations and interact with the farm-ng community at the farm-ng Discourse

You can check announcements and discussion threads between Amiga users, farm-ng engineers, and anyone else in the farm-ng community!

Start a conversation in Discourse

If the answer you are looking for has not already been asked, start a conversation and connect with the community!


Before you are able to start or reply to a conversation using Discourse, you will need to create an account using your email address.

Send us an e-mail

You can also get in touch with us by e-mail at:

This is ideal for specific / private support requests. If we feel your question is better suited for the public Discourse forum, we may request you post your e-mailed question in the farm-ng Discourse so the answer can help other members in the community.

Create a GitHub issue

If you have a specific bug, feature request, or documentation request, you can create an issue directly in any of our open source repositories.

Documentation Request

To create a request for missing documentation, please use the Documentation Request issue template in the amiga-dev-kit repository here.

doc req

Documentation Issue

To report incorrect documentation, please use the Documentation Issue issue template in the amiga-dev-kit repository here.

doc issue

Feature Request

To create a request for a new feature in the Amiga API, please use the Feature Request issue template in the farm-ng-amiga repository here.

feat req

Bug Report

To report a bug in the Amiga API, please use the Bug Report issue template in the farm-ng-amiga repository here.

bug rep